Will A Skunk Have a Nest of Babies Under a Shed or Porch?

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A skunk under a shed or porch is very likely to have a nest of babies because it is for the care of young ones that many a female skunk seeks out comfortable shelter in the first place. The space under a shed or porch makes a secure and comfortable place to live, mate, breed and raise her little ones. So, before concluding on your strategy for ejecting the critter, check for a possible nest of babies down there.

Skunks generally mate in February, and the female goes through a gestation period of about 66 days, after which it gives birth to between 4 and 7 kits. Thus, homeowners should expect nesting skunks from the months of May and June to have young ones.

The babies are born blind and deaf with their soft fur coat of black and white colours. They are small and can easily fit into the hands of a man. The female skunk cares for the young alone, and the babies will be breastfed for about two months. Baby skunks or kits continue to live with their mother for about a year when they start mating. Some matured skunks have been known to still stay with their mother for longer.

So, bearing in mind that the skunk under your shed may have a nest of babies, you should be careful while trying to get rid of them because the kits are very vulnerable. If they lose their mother, they are likely to die off. It is thus inhumane to expose young kits to such harsh and unfavourable conditions.

A good way to avoid being caught in this situation is to get rid of any skunk pest under your porch toward the end of the year or its beginning, rather than the middle of the year when new babies abound. Thereafter seal up all possible entry points.

Finally, if you do have a skunk with a nest of babies living under your porch or shed, you will do well to call on animal care professionals that will remove them all in a humane manner. They are well trained and equipped to deal with all eventualities.

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