Should You Ever Poison A Pigeon?

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There are many approaches that people have used to deal with pest animals down the decades, and one of the most enduring methods of getting rid of animals is to use poison to kill them. The attraction of this is obvious, as it doesn't require direct contact with the target animals, and you can lay down a lot of poison that will provide a good chance of killing something. There are however many issues that can arise when you try to poison a pigeon, and the idea of not having to deal with the pigeon itself after poisoning may well not be the case.

Looking At A Pigeon's Diet

One of the first things to remember is that pigeons will usually eat seeds, vegetable matter and the occasional insect, so there are a limited number of options available in terms of the type of poison that can be used. The other difficulty to remember is that the poison doesn't always replicate the food of the pigeon, so getting the birds to consume the poison is the challenge.

Finding The Carcass Of The Pigeon

Many people will assume that the pigeon will fly away to somewhere else to die after it has been poisoned, but in most cases the pigeons will not fly far away, so you will have to keep a look out for the pigeon's carcass so it can be removed after the bird has died. This is sometimes required with other animals, as poison will not always reach the target animals, so you may have other carcasses to deal with if cats, dogs or other birds actually consume the poison.

Problems Caused By Poison In The Bird Population

One of the biggest issues that can arise is that dead pigeons will often be the food for other predatory birds, and when the pigeons die, and they are consumed by other birds, the poison can actually pass up the food chain. Using poison in this way can lead to the concentration of poison consumed by the predatory birds can become an issue, killing those birds too.

Dealing With Pigeon Infestations Correctly

There are several different ways to deal with a pigeon problem properly, and these can include exclusion from confined spaces or measures that stop the pigeons from landing on your buildings in the first place. A pigeon shock track or pigeon spikes will protect your window sills, while anti pigeon netting can be a good deterrent over a larger area.

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