Should You Poison a Fox?

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We would never advise or condone using poison to solve any wildlife control dilemma. You may come across a lot of websites that suggest poison to be a great idea for rodents, and maybe even for a few other critters too, but you really do need to be aware of the dangers of using them.

There aren’t any registered poisons to kill nuisance foxes. Rat, mouse, or generic rodent poison will not be strong enough to kill an animal that is the size of a fox. A rodent is usually a very small animal. A fox can be about the same size as your average dog. You would need to multiply the rat dosage by many times to make it effective for a larger animal. Do you really want a dessert-bowl of poison in your home? Or your garden? What would happen if your kids were to come across that bowl of poison and think it’s candy? Poison is usually dyed with some kind of bright color. Visually, it would be very attractive to young children.

Poison designed for rats is usually flavored with something to make it more attractive to the rodent too, and this could smell or even taste nice, not just to small children, but to other animals. Do you have a cat or a dog? They might consume that poison.

We have seen strychnine poisoning suggested as a way to get rid of foxes and other wildlife types. You need a license to use this and, therefore, buy it. Strychnine poisoning is an incredibly inhumane form of poisoning, and it was once used as a way to get rid of rodents, contained in poison baits. This is no longer the case. So many dogs died as a result of strychnine poisoning, it was replaced in domestic poisons in the early part of the 1990’s.

Poisoning foxes is unlawful almost everywhere. You will face imprisonment or a fine for using poison to kill a fox.

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