What is the Armadillo's Habitat?

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The armadillo is a small animal that is best known for the thick armored hide that helps to protect it from almost any predator that may fancy making a meal of it. These armadillos are quite common throughout Central America, and they are found in the central and south eastern states of the United States, but they do not venture too far north as they are not particularly well suited to cold weather. In the wild the Armadillos are gentle animals that only eat insects, but with a greater amount of urban territory across the country, more armadillos are straying into these areas and becoming a nuisance.

The Natural Habitat Of The Armadillo

In the wild, armadillos are animals that are generally found in warm areas which have a reasonable level of cover along the ground, with forests and prairie both ticking the box in terms of a good natural habitat. The territory of the armadillo is not necessarily that large, but each animal is quite solitary, and will keep up to ten different burrows that it can use across its territory.

Armadillos In Urban And Suburban Areas

Because armadillos are creatures that are insectivores, you will rarely find them in urban areas as there really isn't enough green areas where the armadillo can forage to find sources of insects, but suburban areas are a different stories. Armadillo populations have thrived in areas where each home has its own lawn and flower bed, which provide a great habitat for insects, grubs and worms to live, which make up much of the armadillo diet.

Problems Caused By Armadillos

The biggest issues for those in suburban areas will happen when armadillos start to dig their burrows, as the natural instinct for the armadillo is to dig among the roots of a large tree, but in areas with buildings it is near the walls and foundations that they dig. This can destabilize properties and outbuildings, while they are also quite damaging to lawns and flower beds where they dig a series of holes.

Are There More Armadillos In Urban And Suburban Areas?

Although there is a significant population of armadillos that have adapted to surviving in suburban areas or urban areas with a reasonable amount of parks and greenery, the largest proportion of the armadillo population is still to be found in its natural habitat in rural areas.

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