Should You Remove A Groundhog Yourself or Hire a Professional?

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Finding out that you have a groundhog problem around your yard or garden can be frustrating, and the first instinct is to think about how you can look to deal with the problem yourself. There are many people who successfully deal with a groundhog infestation themselves each year, but it is important to bear in mind the consequences of following this approach, and the time and investment you may have to put in to doing so. Hiring a professional certainly makes it an easier job, as they will take care of trapping and removing the animal, and may also be able to offer guidance on how to avoid a similar issue in future.

The Time Required To Deal With A Groundhog Infestation

For most people, the biggest issue to bear in mind is that trapping and removing groundhogs is something that does take quite a lot of time in most cases. Groundhogs are diurnal, meaning they are only active at dusk and at dawn, and you will need to be checking the traps regularly once they are set to see if you have caught the creatures.

The Costs Of Equipment

In terms of what you will need to remove groundhogs successfully, the biggest expense will usually be the cost of purchasing the cages that are used to catch the animals. Bait can usually be taken fairly quickly from the food stores of the house, while you will then either need bags to dispose of the carcass if you are lethal trapping, or a car or truck to transport the animals.

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional

One of the best reasons for hiring a professional is that they will usually have the experience and the knowledge to avoid some of the problems that can arise for those who are trying to do something for the first time. An animal removal expert will also be able to give you guidance on how the animal got in to your yard or garden and how they could be prevented in future.

Check Local Regulations

There are a small number of areas in the country which limit animal removal work to those who are licensed professionals. It is also worth checking to ensure that animal relocation is legal in your area if you intend to catch the animal in a cage and then release it, as some counties prohibit the removal of pest animals.

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